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Flotilla 1-18 Ala Wai Hawaii
District 14

Ala Wai Small Boat Harbor

Welcome to Flotilla 18 at the beach in Waikiki! Meeting the fourth Tuesday of every month at the Honolulu Yacht Club, Flotilla 18 offers its members many opportunities in education, training and fellowship. Our meetings begin at 1900 and guests are always welcome. The flotilla once boasted five surface facilities that performed patrols in waters adjacent to O'ahu's south shoreline. This area includes Diamond Head, Waikiki, Honolulu Harbor and Pearl Harbor. We were fortunate that our crews could easily proceed toward open ocean via the Ala Wai Boat Harbor's short channel. Today, we are working toward rebuilding our surface support. Auxiliarists in Hawaii are also fortunate, in that they may train and participate not only in surface or 'boat' operations, but they may go the air operation or 'aviation' route. In fact, many of the auxiliarists in Flotilla 18, which currently boasts five air facilities, are proficient in both surface and air operations.